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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Webinar / Webcast

Counties have expanded child care services and have offered child care providers local COVID-19 relief and support in sustaining child care after the pandemic. This National Association of Counties webinar on January 25, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:…


While change can be unexpected, TANF and other human serving programs can build change readiness to weather the unexpected and prepare themselves for proactive changes too. This first episode of the PeerTA Podcast series explores what it means…


The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration has developed A Skills Roadmap for Case Managers, a set of tools and guidance to support job seekers, unemployed persons, case managers, and other stakeholders in using…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This brief offers insights on the most important flexibilities, adaptations, and innovations made by state human services agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic and shares recommendations for how these experiences can inform future state and…

Policy Announcement / Memoranda

Case management assists patients with substance use disorders (SUDs) by addressing other needs while allowing patients to focus on their SUD treatment and recovery. This Advisory is based on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services…

Stakeholder Resource

Children and youth are dealing with new challenges due to COVID-19, like social distancing, changes to their routines, and a lost sense of security and safety, making them especially vulnerable to feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed. For some…

Webinar / Webcast

This new webinar series entitled Moving Upstream: Transforming Systems to Advance Well-Being will examine structural barriers to and opportunities for moving to a coordinated system of services to support and strengthen families. The first…

Webinar / Webcast

The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Urban Institute, and Mathematica hosted a webinar on January 13, 2021 which covered evaluations of two-generation approaches, including Agape’s 2Gen Program in Memphis, Tennessee. They discussed lessons learned…

Policy Announcement / Memoranda

The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education published a Request for Information (RFI) on Expanding Work-Based Learning Opportunities for Youth. This RFI supported efforts to implement the Carl D. Perkins…


Partnering with state leaders, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices compiled a State Roadmap for Workforce Recovery, which provides a framework to organize workforce response and recovery activities to meet four important…

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