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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


The Pacific Hub State TANF Directors Meeting took place in Seattle, WA on July 25-26, 2001. States heard presentations on the following: national perspective on welfare reform, a learning disability program, case manager training and retention, and…


The Welfare Peer TA completed an analysis of Delaware's strategies for identifying substance abuse among A Better Chance Families. This provides the Executive Summary as well as a set of appendices that include promising practices from other…

Book Chapter / Book

This guide is part of HHS's ongoing effort to work with States to ensure that low-income families and children have access to health benefits. In 1999, State Medicaid application and eligibility policies and procedures in all 50 States, plus the…

Question / Response(s)

What States have an easy to use on-line Policy and Procedures Manual? Is it a main frame system, internet or other?

Question / Response(s)

What States pass-through child support funds directly to the family? Please describe the process and the amount of the passthrough.

Question / Response(s)

Do you know of states that have developed data sharing agreements with Workforce Investment Boards, and/or are exercising their ability to share certain NCP data, per the "Welfare-to-Work and Child Support Amendments of 1999" (PL. 106-113)?

Question / Response(s)

What is the average (target) caseload size for staff overseeing the work activities? Please also describe the rationale for determining the caseload size.

Conference Paper

On June 18-21, 2001, the ACF Northeast HUB, in collaboration with AFYA, Inc., held a TANF Data Collection and Reporting Workshop in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The overall theme of the workshops was the importance of TANF data in managing the…

Peer TA Products (miscellaneous)

This report details the presentations given and questions, answers, and concerns articulated by members of the ACF Region V States at the June State Human Services Officials Meeting.

Journal Article

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 gave tribal governments’ new authority to structure and administer their own cash assistance, employment and training, child care, and child support enforcement…

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