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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This project explored how low-income couples make decisions. Specifically, the project explored, through observational methods, the mechanisms and factors which influence the couple as a unit (as well as the individual partners in low-income…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Colorado Department of Human Services would like to know if any States know of web-based, self-paced domestic violence trainings (not college courses) and/or Family Violence Option (FVO) training? Colorado is in the process of building web-based, self-paced training for TANF workers regarding the FVO.


This paper is an overview of the Wave 4 Family Employment Program (FEP) Study of Utah. The study included a cohort of participants in the FEP program, and Wave 4 provides data on an additional two years on usage of the program to help guide…

Stakeholder Resource

The U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration has launched "mySkills myFuture," a Web portal that helps job seekers match their…

Stakeholder Resource

From, this Web page includes new resources on the Earned Income Tax Credit, which includes online training, frequently asked questions about the EITC, Webinars, trainings, and other resources on the EITC.


Recently, data collection and reporting strategies have increased as workforce development program funders focus on program evaluation. Public/Private Ventures released this report, which is a compilation of data from 200 service providers around…


The U.S. Department of Labor released a report that includes the findings of a multi-year study of the impact of the Unemployment Insurance program in stabilizing the economy during a recession. Completed by IMPAQ International LLC and the Urban…

Journal Article

This study assessed the associations between family socio-economic status and single parenthood to predict child executive functions. The study found that families with low socio-economic status with one parent in the home had children who performed…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Education Commission of the States would like to learn more about examples of cooperative efforts between schools/business/industry to assist youth in becoming job ready? Examples may be job shadowing, mentor programs, internships, summer employment, etc.

Question / Response(s)

The Peer TA Network would like to know if States know of programs that assist adolescents (15 and over) on TANF attain self-sufficiency when aging out of the Program at 18? This would not include programs for teen mothers who are covered by other TANF programs.

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