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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


Authored by William Bales, Laura E. Bedard, Susan T. Quinn, David Ensley, Glen Holley, Alan Duffee, and Stephanie Sanford. Drawing on data from Florida, this Florida State University study compares the rates of recidivism among inmates released…

Stakeholder Resource

This FASTEN mentoring manual is designed as a guide for those who have chosen to take the incarceration of a child's parent as a point of intervention, with mentoring as a vehicle. The manual uses the Amachi program as a model to show how faith-…

Fact / Tip Sheet

This article gives information for Community Action Agencies to implement effective IDA programs. It provides advice from best practices around the country and future suggestions for state policy on IDAs.

Question / Response(s)

New Jersey is considering revising its current policy that places a 12 month restriction for corrective payment for underpayments in its TANF program. New Jersey would like to know what other States' policies are in this area.

Question / Response(s)

I am looking for statistics regarding the breakdown of welfare participation by race and state since FY 2000. Any information you could provide would be very helpful.


The Welfare Peer Technical Assistance (TA) Network sponsored a multi-State TA event on July 15-16, 2003, in Oklahoma City, OK. This event was co-coordinated with Public Strategies, the public relations firm that manages the Oklahoma Marriage…


The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) received a Special Improvement Project Grant (SIP Grant) to implement a demonstration project to evaluate various strategies to achieve better outcomes for the child support program when working…


To improve the employment outcomes for ex-offenders, Baltimore Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED) facilitated the creation of the Baltimore's citywide Ex-offender Task Force (EOFT) in October 2002. EOTF membership includes more than…

Journal Article

This ReintegrationToday article focuses on a Broward County, Florida program aimed at training consumer "peer bridgers" to facilitate the social integration of recently released inmates. Peer bridgers are consumers who may have been imprisoned…

Journal Article

This American Correctional Association article focuses on a pilot aftercare program that targets high-risk male and female offenders ages 14 to 21 and the work of Barbara Templeton, a community resource supervisor for the West Virginia Division…

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