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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Research-To-Practice Brief

With the ten year anniversary of welfare reform and the Reauthorization of TANF in February 2006, this article outlines States' current regulations prior to implementing the changes under Reauthorization. Under the new regulations, most States…

Fact / Tip Sheet

From the Urban Institute, this fact sheet reviews various work supports available to low-income families since the 1996 PRWORA. Although work supports were significantly expanded, they still fall short in providing families enough to promote…

Question / Response(s)

Are any states using TANF or MOE funds to provide cash assistance and/or support services to non-custodial parents?

Question / Response(s)

West Virginia is in the process of revising their current Personal Responsibility Contract (PRC) form for WV WORKS (TANF) adults. Currently, West Virginia's Personal Responsibility Contract includes goals, list of barriers, and specific assignments/activities for the client. If your State has a Personal Responsibility Contract or similarly named form, and is willing to collaborate with West Virginia, please contact Michael Lobert, WVDHHR, Family Support Policy, at

Question / Response(s)

Can other states provide best practices around serving two-parent families on their caseloads?

Research-To-Practice Brief

From the NGA Center for Best Practices, this issue brief outlines key provisions of the Deficit Reduction Act, and reviews the important role that the States play in strategic planning for the upcoming changes. In conclusion, it provides a list…

Journal Article

This article, published from the National Association of Social Workers, investigates the relationship of child sexual abuse, physical and psychological barriers to work, and employment outcomes among former and current welfare recipients.…

Newsletter / E-Mail Alert

This newsletter from the Family and Youth Services Board (FYSB), reviews strategies for combining education and employment to help support families and youth on the transition to adulthood. Specifically, the FYSB runaway and homeless youth…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This policy brief explores the position of women in the labor force over the past 25 years. Across all labor categories, the number of women in the workforce has increased, and the male/female wage gap has narrowed. Less-skilled women currently…


While stable housing is important to improve conditions for rural low-income people, additional services are necessary to provide additional support to families. This resource offers information on organizations providing affordable housing plus…

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