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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


As part of their Rural Communities Initiative Technical Assistance Action Plan, the Montana team identified the prevalence of substance abuse challenges within their TANF caseload as among one of their chief concerns. The site was particularly…


The Migration Policy Institute authored this report on how immigrants are faring in relation to the economy. Immigrants have historically fared well in the United States; however, the recent economic recession has been especially detrimental for…


The Brookings Institution and the National League of Cities hosted this forum to discuss the current economic climate in relation to urban areas. National economic recovery depends on recovery in metropolitan areas, and the United States cannot…


This report is from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Urban Institute. Residential mobility can be a positive change for families or it can be a problem related to economic instability. Authors highlight data on resident mobility in Making…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Missouri Family Support Division is looking for ways to decrease postage cost. Do States e-mail TANF notices to applicants/participants? If so, what percentage of your TANF population receives notices via e-mail?


The Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network (WPTA) offered technical assistance to the Georgia Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Asset-Building Planning Meeting with the primary purpose of bringing together EITC coalitions in the State of…


As part of Phase 2 of the Initiative (2008-2009), this report is based on the analysis of the 139 promising programs (see the Compendium) and offers a window into a subset of the nation’s leading faith- and community-based intermediary…


From the First Nations Development Institute, with funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, this resource was developed to help tribal leaders build EITC campaigns in their communities. Authors provide an overview of the EITC, how the EITC can…


From Public/Private Ventures, this report outlines findings from a mentoring impact study of the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program. Data was collected from a large-scale, random assignment impact study of ten Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies,…


The Economic Mobility Project authored this report on ways that students can increase their long-term earnings and the role of community colleges. Twenty-six percent of community college students come from low-income families, compared to 15…

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