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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


Oklahoma requested that the Welfare Peer Technical Assistance (TA) Network sponsor a one and half- day site visit of two grandparent housing facilities in Boston, Massachusetts. In addition, representatives from the Ohio Department of Job and Family…


The following report describes the Urban Partnerships for Welfare Reform Academy II that took place in Minneapolis, Minnesota from October, 26-29 2003 to continue partnerships and foster collaboration to improve service delivery and TANF…


As the crime of human trafficking increases in prevalence, magnitude, and scope, trafficking victims who apply for TANF may emerge as a new Hard to Serve/Multi Barrier population for TANF administrators. This study offers a critical resource by…


Michael Stegman, Walter Davis, and Roberto Quercia authors. This Brookings Institution report analyzes how the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) could potentially alleviate severe housing cost burdens for low- and moderate-income households…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Authored by Robert G. Wood and Anu Rangarajan. Based on four rounds of annual follow-up surveys with an early group of New Jersey TANF recipients, this issue brief focuses on those who have left the welfare rolls and are not working. About one in…


The use of faith-based organizations to delivery public services has increased over the last two years due to program devolution and privatization. Researchers gathered information on faith-based organizations in each State, and outline the…


This paper is part of the work of the Rockefeller Institute of Government's Roundtable on Religion & Social Welfare Policy. Authored by Richard P. Nathan and David J. Wright.

Question / Response(s)

Are there any resources available to provide a van with a lift for a wheelchair bound child?


This article reviews the foster care transition support for youth aging out of foster care in Michigan. The author summarizes outcomes for youth aging out of foster care, past literature, a State-by-State comparison of supports, and…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Authored by Ron Haskins and Isabel Sawhill. This article is found in the Brookings Institution Policy Brief entitled Welfare Reform and Beyond #28. In this brief, the authors contrast making cash and related forms of public assistance more…

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