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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


Authored by Kristin S. Seefeldt and Sean M. Orzol. In 1996, welfare reform legislation imposed a 60-month lifetime limit on TANF benefits. The authors use four waves of data from the Women's Employment Study to determine which personal…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. issue brief was authored by Christopher Trenholm. The Santa Clara County Children's Health Initiative (CHI), launched in January 2001, seeks to extend health coverage to all uninsured children in that…


Since the establishment of TANF, welfare cases declined by 52 percent nationally. However, child-only cases declined by only 25 percent. Half of the child-only are currently residing with a relative. There is little information on these children…


To support further progress in this area, ACF is sponsoring a large-scale, comprehensive demonstration and evaluation of programs designed to strengthen relationships and support the marital aspirations of unmarried couples expecting a child: the…


Welfare Peer TA network designed the Bringing Hope to Children of Incarcerated Parents Roundtable. The first Roundtable was held in Denver, CO in November 2003. This second Roundtable, held in Nashville, TN, showcased promising practices from around…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This policy brief gives evidence on the determinants of earnings advances for the working class. It considers the implications for a refined job advancement strategy for welfare recipients and other low earners. Based on the study, an effective…


Since the welfare reform of 1996, sanctions have become an important policy for States moving families off welfare and into work. Largely understudied, this research provides information on the use of sanctions in Illinois, New Jersey, and South…


Rural low-income families trying to find jobs, maintain employment, and secure longer-term well-being face distinct challenges. In rural labor markets, jobs tend to be scarcer than in urban ones, and the jobs that are available more often involve…


This report explores the active role faith-based organizations are taking to better serve human, economic and neighborhood needs in their communities. The report is authored by John M. Wallace, Jr. PhD. of the University of Pittsburgh's School of…


On April 7-8, 2004, the Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network provided support resources for two members of the Michigan Family Independence Agency (FIA) to attend the USDA Food and Nutrition Service meeting entitled "Using Technology to…

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