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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


Issued by the Census Bureau, this article reviews marriage and divorce data from around the country. Among the data, researchers found that one in five adults has ever divorced, and first marriages that end in divorce last about eight years on…


This report, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), provides an update on trends in State and local regulations that affect housing development and reducing barriers to affordable housing for low-income populations…

Fact / Tip Sheet

This article reviews the benefits of Individual Development Accounts to help low-income people save money and build assets for the future and toward self-sufficiency.


The Welfare Peer TA Network sponsored this statewide Roundtable event that took place in Charleston, WV from January 20-21, 2005. Attended by over 60 Federal, State, and local representatives, this Roundtable was designed to impart the tools and…

Question / Response(s)

What best practices or innovative programs are States and counties implementing relating to transportation assistance for TANF recipients? Are there examples of car-loan, car purchase, or ride share programs being implemented? The State of Virginia would appreciate any information you could provide.

Question / Response(s)

The Rhode Island Rite Works Employment and Retention Services office would like to know how other States have minimized "no shows" for appointments they schedule for clients. Please describe strategies your state has used to get clients into the office and meet scheduled appointment times.

Question / Response(s)

Arizona is considering mandating that some supportive services be issued to participants as incentives for participation for supportive services that are common to all participants, such as, clothing allowances. Are there any other states that are offering any type of support or service to participants as an incentive for continued participation other than monies pertaining to employment retention?

Fact / Tip Sheet

The Maryland Network against Domestic Violence (MNADV) site provides an overview of the Lethality Assessment Program—Maryland Model (LAP). It also includes information about implementation of the model nationally. Created by MNADV in 2005, LAP is…


This monograph summarizes findings from a review of the research literature on implementation and proposes frameworks for understanding effective implementation processes. The results of this literature review and synthesis confirm that systematic…


The training conference was to deliver training and education to program administrators to conform to Federal regulations, collaborate on faith- and community-based coordination, and to foster strategic plans for carrying out ACF's objectives.…

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