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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Question / Response(s)

Are WIA funds allowable to be utilized for OJT programs for apprenticeship programs with the labor unions?


Through the Urban Institute, this article reviews information about the Child Tax Credit, which is the largest federal cash assistance program for children. The tax credit provides over $46 billion in subsidies to families with children every…

Question / Response(s)

Which states have an IWRP form?

Question / Response(s)

Has any state or county TANF program developed a single screening tool that could be used to identify families at risk of long-term reliance on TANF?


This pilot Healthy Marriage Initiative, called Healthy Marriage, Responsible Fatherhood, was implemented in Nampa, Idaho as a coalition of faith- and community-based partners. Through OPRE, this resource provides information on the local…


This report reviews the importance of local community coalitions for implementing a healthy marriage initiative in Grand Rapids, MI. The "Healthy Marriage, Healthy Relationships" Initiative began in 2003, and researchers provide information on…


From California's Welfare Policy Research Project, this study was charged with investigating barriers to employment and services accessibility among TANF recipients in San Joaquin County, California. The following potential barriers were surveyed…


This resource, through Mathematica Policy Research, reviews State food stamp participation rates to measure the effectiveness of the food stamp program and the program's ability to reach its target population.


From Economic Opportunity Studies, this article shows the impact of increasing energy costs on the low-income population. Authors also offer a comparison of the energy burden across income categories, and found that the resource available for…


This article, through the Center for Law and Social Policy, reviews the child support enforcement program and its contribution as an "unsung hero" in welfare reform to bringing additional income to low-income families.

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