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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation reports on the discussions and lessons learned about social networks gathered from visits with families. Authors discuss the importance of the link between strong, positive social networks and…


The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy authored this article for parents and stakeholders who work with teen parents. It provides useful information on parental influence on teenagers and gives suggestions for parents to delay sexual…


This resource, through the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, outlines key steps to preventing teen pregnancy. Specifically, the paper reviews strategies to teach teens about healthy relationships-- a "success sequence" that will best…


This resource provides replication advice for organizations on running effective teen pregnancy prevention programs. By addressing key questions for implementation, authors offer examples of model programs and explain why these specific programs…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This report from the Brookings Institution reviews the role of education in helping low-income children advance economically. Authored by Isabel Sawhill, she concludes that the U.S. education system tends to reinforce rather than compensate for…

Research-To-Practice Brief

From the National Center for Children in Poverty, this article highlights effective programs, policy opportunities, and other strategies to improve educational outcomes for children. This brief is to inform policymakers and other stakeholders on…


From early 2001 to spring 2002, Hudson Institute researchers undertook an examination of faith-based contracting for social services in 15 states. Researchers attempted to determine how many contracts each state (or local government agencies within…


From the Annie E. Casey Foundation, this Summer 2006 report highlights information from the Kids Count Data Book. Specifically, this newsletter provides an overview of the importance of family-based child care for children and a State-by-State…


This study, presented at NAWRS, reviews longitudinal data from Utah regarding job retention and earnings for prior TANF customers. Due to the major decline in TANF cases in 2003, Utah was interested in finding out about job retention and earnings…


This article through the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities and the Economic Policy Institute reviews data by State on income levels. For the most part, the income gap between the highest-income families and poor and middle-income families…

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