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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This article reviews a project designed to provide welfare recipients working 20 hours a week with an education program at a local community college. The 24 week program included mathematics, English, computer skills, as well as life skills…


This article discusses challenges facing rural America. Although rural America has experienced population loss in recent years, the population is starting to grow again. In 2000, one in five Americans lived in rural areas, which is around 56.1…


This report provides an overview of the promising practices presented at the joint Peer TA/Urban Partnerships for Welfare Reform Big Five Roundtable. The California Department of Social Services made a Technical Assistance (TA) request on behalf…


From the Urban Institute, this article provides an overview of key topics surrounding of prisoner reentry and outlines past research documenting the pathways of prisoner reintegration. Reviewing the Urban Institute's work on this topic, this…

Fact / Tip Sheet

The AARP, Child Welfare League of America, Children's Defense Fund, and Generations United have created fact sheets containing current State information related to grandparents and kinship care. Information includes State census data on the…


This resource from the Urban Institute describes data from the National Health Interview Survey -- Disability Supplement including statistics around people's abilities to perform various activities and their health conditions. Additionally, it…


Sixty percent of city officials say that unemployment is a problem in their city, and this report shares the experience of city officials in coordinating workforce development efforts. The transitional jobs program can help residents overcome…


The Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire conducted this study and found that predatory mortgage lending is prevalent in rural areas. Additionally, authors conclude that rural minorities are more likely to take out higher-cost…


Hurricane Katrina brought issues of poverty into the media spotlight. While many issues surrounded the urban poor in New Orleans, one-third of the area affected by Hurricane Katrina was rural. This newsletter outlines the causes of poverty in…


This newsletter provides information around revitalization strategies for rural communities before, during, and after disaster. By reviewing examples of how rural communities have responded to disasters, the major theme throughout the recovery…

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