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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Research-To-Practice Brief

From the Brookings Institution, this policy brief reviews the impact of a universal preschool policy on economic growth. Authors conclude that a universal policy would cost the government $59 billion; however, would have the potential to add $2…

Newsletter / E-Mail Alert

This newsletter, from the Family and Youth Services Bureau, gives information on how youth in tribes are often best served through culturally-specific programs. Currently, more than a third of the Native American community is under the age of 18…


This research brief from the Rural Families Speak Project provides data on how low-income mothers in rural areas meet childcare needs while trying to maintain stable employment. Currently, the mothers of 2.7 million children are facing such…


This report, utilizing the Annie E. Casey Kids Count Data book, provides an overview of negative child outcomes that are a result of poverty. From 2000 data, it was found that negative child outcomes are highly correlated with lower income levels…


Helping low-income families in rural areas find gainful employment and achieve economic self-sufficiency is an ongoing policy concern. The Rural Welfare-to-Work Strategies demonstration is using rigorous experimental designs to build knowledge…

Question / Response(s)

What are other states doing in regards to contractor incentives and pay-for-performance contracts? Which states have contracts where payment is based on clients achieving certain outcomes and what percentage of payment in those contracts is based on clients achieving those outcomes?


This paper addresses how common are experiences of material hardship over time within a sample of clients on welfare, and if women experience multiple hardships. Based on the Women's Employment Study, this study reviews six forms of hardship…


This report from GAO examines changes in the overall level of welfare-related spending among nine states, changes in spending priorities for welfare-related nonhealth services, and the contribution of TANF funds to states' spending for welfare-…


This study aimed at reviewing the correlation between home computers and educational outcomes. Specifically, it was found that teenagers with access to a computer at home are 6 to 8 percent more likely to graduate from high school. It is…


The US savings rate decreased from 10.8 percent in 1984 to 0 percent in 2005, according to the Urban Institute. Additionally, the bottom quarter of the population by income has a negative net worth. This article reviews strategies to boost the…

Summary archive

  • 5014 results found

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Tribe Archive