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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Question / Response(s)

Have any States used self-employment with TANF Recipients? If so, please describe program features and funding, as well as pros and cons (for the customer and for your state)?

Question / Response(s)

Utah is looking for information from States that currently do a quality review of their TANF Program, which are similar to a quality control review completed for the Food Stamp Program.


The BSF project is both a demonstration and a rigorous evaluation. The evaluation will thoroughly analyze whether the intervention is successful in improving the outcomes of the couples and their children. Interested and eligible couples are…

Question / Response(s)

Maryland is looking at the issue of salaries for TANF case workers and how it impacts the hiring and retention of workers. Have any other jurisdictions successfully argued that caseworkers be paid commensurate with what they do, and if so, has this improved your jurisdictions recruiting and retention efforts?

Research-To-Practice Brief

This year, the food stamp program is currently serving 25 million people across the country. This represents an increase of 8 million participants since 2000. This article from the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities reviews reasons for such…


While community colleges provide opportunities for low-income and disadvantaged populations to receive higher education, the persistence to stay in such programs is low. From MDRC's Opening Doors Demonstration, this report reviews the effects of…


600,000 people on average are released from prison every year, and face multiple barriers as they reenter society. This paper outlines research on employment-focused prisoner reentry programs and provides information on current evaluations on…


This report, from the Urban Institute, describes incarceration and prisoner reentry trends in Philadelphia between 1996 and 2003. By reviewing characteristics of individuals returning to the community, this study provides insight on challenges…


This report from the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) outlines best practices in policy regarding children's mental health and offers views on the status of family and youth support and advocacy systems. Authors conclude by…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This research brief discusses the importance of work supports for low-wage earners to maintain and advance in the job market. The National Assembly's Family Strengthening Policy Center outlines the work-plus approach to support workers in the…

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  • 5014 results found

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