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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This report is a technical supplement to the 15-month impact report for the Building Strong Families (BSF) evaluation (Wood et al. 2010). It provides additional detail about the research design (Chapter I), analytic methods (Chapter II), and…


Federal funding for child care subsidies has increased substantially since 1996. Although many more low-income families receive help paying for child care, there is little rigorous evidence to guide states’ decisions on structuring subsidy…


Although most children raised by single parents fare well, on average, they are at…


This article is from the Urban Institute, and authors review the role of assets in supporting families in times of crisis, such as job loss or health problems. Assets can be an important safety net to help maintain family wellbeing during such…


Community college and vocational training programs provided education to more than 6.2 million students in 2006, which represents about 35 percent of all postsecondary education students. These programs are often important in reaching low-income…


The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities authored this report on the effects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for individual families. State-level data show that the Recovery Act has protected many families from poverty by raising…

Fact / Tip Sheet

From the National Center for Children in Poverty, this report offers key information on child poverty and family hardship in the United States. Authors offer information on the nature of poverty, how poverty is measured in the United States…


This report details the Family Violence Option and some of the current issues that exist in implementing the policy for violence victims. Case studies are given based on the policies and practices in New York City, Washington D.C., and San…


The Family Investment Administration (FIA), Maryland Department of Human Resources, requested technical assistance from the Welfare Peer TA Network to develop meaningful work-related activities for refugees and…

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