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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


To improve the employment outcomes for ex-offenders, Baltimore Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED) facilitated the creation of the Baltimore's citywide Ex-offender Task Force (EOFT) in October 2002. EOTF membership includes more than…

Journal Article

This ReintegrationToday article focuses on a Broward County, Florida program aimed at training consumer "peer bridgers" to facilitate the social integration of recently released inmates. Peer bridgers are consumers who may have been imprisoned…

Journal Article

This American Correctional Association article focuses on a pilot aftercare program that targets high-risk male and female offenders ages 14 to 21 and the work of Barbara Templeton, a community resource supervisor for the West Virginia Division…


This Urban Institute report draws from the insights and comments of the authors and participants in the Youth Reentry Roundtable entitled "The Youth Dimensions of Prisoner Reentry: Youth Development and the Impacts of Incarceration and Reentry,"…


This guide, through the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, provides information and a variety of resources for case managers for helping youth and young adults previously involved with the justice system gain employment…


This MDRC report examines an array of welfare policies to help States determine which programs and policies best help single parents transition from welfare to work. The report examines the effects of over 25 welfare-to-work programs, including…


Posted on the Department of Justice (DOJ) Web site, this report describes the Fortune Academy Residence and Service model for housing ex-offenders that could be implemented by the agency and replicated by other organizations across the…


Authored by David J. Fein. This paper has been produced as part of the Supporting Healthy Evaluation being conducted by Abt Associates.

Stakeholder Resource

This Web resource provides a wide range of resources on homelessness prevention for prisoners that include publications, best practices and programs, and policy and legislation briefs. One of the featured programs is entitled Polk County…

Journal Article

Authored by Jessica Pearson. Report prepared by the Center for Policy Research and was supported by a grant from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

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