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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


Over 26 million adults in the United States do not have a high school degree and many of these individuals are classified as low-skilled. Many Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs, designed to provide foundational skills, are failing to place low…


Current statistics show that one in three adults is obese, and from 1980 to the present, the number of obese children has tripled. Obesity is particularly a problem in low-income communities of color, and research is showing that low-income…


This descriptive report from Chapin Hall of the University of Chicago depicts the changing characteristics of Chicago’s workforce and the evolving needs of the local economy. Through the use of data from the U.S. Census and the American Community…


In 2004, the Lumina Foundation for Education launched “Achieving the Dream: Community Colleges Count,” a national initiative aimed at improving success among community college students, especially low-income students and students of color. From…


The TANF Faith-Based and Community Organizations Initiative was designed to examine promising partnerships between TANF offices and FBCOs working in their communities. The goal of the initiative was to help low-income participants attain economic…


Community colleges around the country are faced with the task of teaching basic skills courses to over 2.5 million students. These students are often unable to make the transition to college-level coursework, an inability that has significant…


From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, this news report discusses Census data that show, despite the economic recession, government efforts prevented an increase in poverty in 2009. Specifically, existing programs, such as…


From 2008 to 2009, the nation’s rate of homelessness rose by 20,000 people, or 3 percent. About four out of every 10 of these individuals live on the street, in a car, or another location not intended for human habitation. The National Alliance…


In 2010, it is estimated that there were 45.9 million adults in the United States with mental illness. Of these 45.9 million adults, 32.9 percent received mental health services. NSDUH presents the results of interviews conducted with household…


This article was published by the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. Using data from a 2008 survey data of EITC-eligible households assisted at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites, authors analyze differences in…

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