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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Journal Article

Revised to include 2004 data, this article through the Center for Law and Social Policy reviews how child support enforcement programs can help families achieve self-sufficiency.

Question / Response(s)

Do any states require minor children to attend school as a condition of eligibility for TANF benefits? We are not referring to minors who are a head of household, but minor children on someone else's grant. School attendance is not required for these children by Federal law or regulation, as it is for a minor head of household. However, states can include school attendance by minor children as a requirement in the Individual Responsibility Plan for the adult head of household.

Question / Response(s)

Do any States have video materials on the EITC that are played in social services offices?

Question / Response(s)

Please describe the structure of your training and staff development unit. Most importantly, how you accomplish the training of TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Adult/Elderly etc. Secondly, if you have systems trainers and how work is assigned regarding eligibility management systems, child support systems, child care systems etc. Thanks!

Question / Response(s)

Please describe the structure of your training and staff development unit. Most importantly, how you accomplish the training of TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Adult/Elderly etc. Secondly, if you have systems trainers and how work is assigned regarding eligibility management systems, child support systems, child care systems etc. Thanks!

Question / Response(s)

Are there any studies/statistics that indicate financial literacy training among TANF recipients is necessary and helpful to clients in obtaining self-sufficiency?

Stakeholder Resource

This guide provides an overview of 87 Federal funds and how to access them.


Employers can be a key component to help TANF recipients maintain employment. This resource, from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, reviews information from the Jobs Initiative on what kinds of employers are willing to work with workforce…


The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), committed to improving employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities, established a Customized Employment initiative to build the capacity of workforce systems to serve all customers,…


Authored by Alan Berube, William G. Gale, and Tracy Kornblatt, this paper examines federal tax policy in relation to building assets for low-income people in cities. Federal tax policy can play a significant role in the wellbeing of families in…

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