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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


Efforts to replicate the experience of the Center for Employment Training (CET) in San Jose, California -- a uniquely successful program that helped at-risk youth develop skills needed to compete in today's labor market -- showed mixed results.…

Question / Response(s)

Have any State or county TANF agencies established constructive relationships with their local public housing agencies? If so, describe how this collaboration was formed and what results/changes have taken place due to this collaboration.

Question / Response(s)

Are there any grants available to non-profit groups that want to try to fund a Fatherhood Coordinator?

Question / Response(s)

Many States are currently using internet technology as an information tool to support their TANF, Child Care, Child Support and/or Child Welfare programs. Have any States' use of the Web progressed to the 'transaction' or 'commerce' phase to assist in providing direct services to their clients?


Homeless, runaway, and throwaway youth (HRTY) constitute a high-risk population that…

Conference Paper

From the Urban Institute's Reentry Roundtable, this article reviews employment and earnings rates among ex-offenders which are, for the most part, very low. Authors explore the barriers that ex-offenders face in reentering society and returning…

Conference Paper

Two-thirds of prisoners are rearrested within three years of release. Industry-specific work programs in prison have shown to greatly reduce recidivism -- however, only 7 percent of inmates are currently working in such programs. From the Urban…


Through Mathematica Policy Research, this paper reviews data on who these fathers are and their involvement with their families. Mathematica conducted 108 observations of fathers with children under 14 months. The findings speak to programs that…

Question / Response(s)

One of the states in our Region has asked how other states are implementing alternative educational or training programs for teenage parents who are not attending high school or another equivalent training program (Sec. 408 (a)(4)(B)). The concern is for teens under 18 who cannot attend regular high school or GED programs for good cause, such as the prolonged illness of the teen or of the teen's child. If you know how other states may be serving this group, we would appreciate any information you can provide.

Question / Response(s)

One of the states in our region has asked how other states are implementing alternative educational or training programs for teenage parents who are not attending high school or another equivalent training program (Sec. 408 (a)(4)(B)). The concern is for teens under 18 who cannot attend regular high school or GED programs for good cause, such as the prolonged illness of the teen or of the teen's child. If you know how other states may be serving this group, we would appreciate any information you can provide.

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