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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Profile / Case Study

More than 36 million U.S. adults cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third grade level. No state is immune to low literacy, and in Washington State, one in six adults lacks basic skills for acquiring a livable wage job. While Seattle is one…


This toolkit by National Conference of State Legislatures focuses on new approaches and strategies to help families disrupt the cycle of poverty. The toolkit outlines and describes the fundamentals of two-generation approaches to address poverty…

Research-To-Practice Brief

In this Issue Brief, findings from an intervention of an outreach strategy were applied to Colorado’s version of TANF, Colorado Works, that aimed to increase participant engagement rates. Parents were not following through on upfront activities like…


The HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) has recently released a report which examines relationships between indicators of economic opportunity and the prevalence of prescription opioids and substance use in the…


A paper from Economic Mobility Pathways discusses the importance of setting high goals and standards when helping families navigate their way out of poverty. Coach-navigator programs that seek to build resiliency and decision making view high…

Question / Response(s)
Idaho is interested in hearing from states who have used TANF funds for relative placement for the first 60 days of a child coming into Foster Care.

Question / Response(s)
A representative from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services is looking for program information from states that utilize a single vendor approach to TANF E&T programs, i.e., what is the process, how are your clients best served, what issues have you run into, how does it affect your state's WPR (if that data is available).

Stakeholder Resource

This article discusses the third annual Native Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Capital Access conference. The conference brought together CDFIs from around the country with funders, investors, and other national partners to…

Webinar / Webcast

SNAP Employment and Training Programs (SNAP E&T) and State and local workforce agencies share a common goal of enabling low-income individuals to gain skills necessary to qualify for jobs leading to self-sufficiency. Guidance issued by Food…

Stakeholder Resource

This report provides a compilation of the success of financial capability integration efforts for tribal communities. The report focuses on two locations in Alaska: the Kenaitze Indian Tribe and the Aleutian Pribilof Island Association (APIA).…

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