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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This resource is from the Rural Poverty Research Institute, and highlights the effect of the economic climate on rural areas. The rural economy is losing jobs at a faster rate than the rest of the nation, and employment data from the Bureau of…


This publication is through the U.S. Department of Labor and includes a series of snapshots of partnerships between employers and faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs). Faith-based and community organizations can support populations…


From Public/Private Ventures, this resource was designed for workforce development organization managers to work with their frontline staff to encourage the use of data entry and management to ultimately improve performance and outcomes for their…


MDRC issued a report on the Work Advancement and Support Center (WASC), an innovative program designed to increase the incomes of low-wage workers. The program offered participating workers intensive employment retention and advancement services…


This report presents implementation and two-year effectiveness results for the Reach for Success (RFS) program, operated by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS). RFS offered individualized and flexible case…


Almost 700,000 people are released from state prisons each year. Ex-prisoners face daunting obstacles to successful reentry into society, and rates of recidivism are high. Most experts believe that stable employment is critical to a successful…


Although many public assistance recipients suffer from depression, few receive consistent treatment. This report presents results through six months of a one-year telephonic care management program in Rhode Island that tried to encourage…

Question / Response(s)

The Peer TA Network would like to know if any states have examples of employability and work readiness assessments that they are willing to share? Do Case Managers offer the participant feedback based on the assessment?

Question / Response(s)

The Peer TA Network would like to know if States triage participants to determine which assessments are needed for an individual that walks in the door?

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  • 5007 results found

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