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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Fact / Tip Sheet

This Web site offers information from the Child Welfare League of America on increasing effective kinship programs in States and explores the role of kinship care in family preservation.


Millions of welfare recipients have entered the labor force in the past decade, but…


This report uses meta-analysis, a set of statistically based techniques for combining  quantitative findings from different studies, to synthesize estimates of program effects from  random assignment evaluations of welfare-to-work…


The Community Healthy Marriage Initiative (CHMI) is a key component of the…

Question / Response(s)

The Welfare Peer Technical Assistance (TA) Network is interested to learn about promising practices regarding what services States are providing to support individuals with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, or mental health issues in finding and retaining employment. Any answers you could provide would be helpful.

Question / Response(s)

The state of Iowa wants to find out how other States manage large caseloads while dealing with specific and different eligibility requirements/guidelines for Federal programs. How are regulatory differences in resources and income eligibility for TANF, Food Stamps and Medicaid are merged? Please share how you are successful in identifying barriers to providing seamless services.

Question / Response(s)

The State of Iowa would like to know of any States that are currently using any particular assessment tool for TANF participants? Do States have "best practices" or "best assessment tools" that they are willing to share?


Authored by John Iceland of the University of Maryland and Kurt Bauman of the U.S. Census Bureau. This report, as part of the Working Paper Series of the National Poverty Center (NPC), uses data from the 1996 Survey of Income and Program…


The purpose of this seminar was to provide State representatives the opportunity to join with Federal partners on identifying and sharing information related to service integration efforts. The conference was centered on peer-to-peer learning…


This article, through the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, is the final report from an Academy for six States to acquire the tools critical in developing effective policies that foster a competitive and knowledgeable…

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