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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


Acknowledging the needs of Tribal TANF programs in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Family Assistance, Region X Office convened the Region X Tribal TANF Fiscal and Data Meeting in Seattle,…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Iowa Department of Human Services would like to know how other States consider self-employment income for purposes of determining eligibility and benefit amount for TANF cash assistance. They would like to know whether other states use actual business expenses as a deduction and/or a flat percentage as a deduction. Do States allow a client to choose actual business expenses instead of the percent and/or a flat dollar amount as a deduction? If yes, what dollar amount, and do States allows a client to choose actual business expenses instead of the flat amount?


The ACF Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) hosted a symposium on the application of behavioral research to programs that serve low-income children and families in July 2010. OPRE released a summary of the event, which included…


The Brookings Institution authored this brief on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) since the inception of the “EITC Movement” ten years ago. Authors review the past accomplishments of the EITC Movement and discuss how the Movement will continue…

Newsletter / E-Mail Alert

On April 28th, 2011, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that about $7.2 million in funding has been distributed among 18 different third-generation grantee organizations.

Conference Paper

This is a presentation given by Child Trends at the Population Association of America meetings, which provides a framework for measuring the whole child in context. The presentation offers suggestions for expansion of federal data collection,…


The Institute for Education Sciences within the U.S. Department of Education issued this report, which discusses the prevalence of high-performing teachers in ten districts across seven states. The data show that, on average, low-income students…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Work supports such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, child care subsidies, and public health insurance can often help low-income working families reach self-sufficiency. Using the National Center for Children in Poverty’s Family Resource Simulator…


This report summarizes the Urban Institute Roundtable that occurred in June 2010, called “Young Children of Immigrants and the Path to Educational Success.” Sponsored by the Foundation for Child Development and the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Immigration has played an important role in shaping U.S. society. Currently, 17.2 million children have a parent who is foreign-born, and 4.2 million with immigrant parents that are low-income. This issue brief is from the National Center for…

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