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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Question / Response(s)

Our state legislature would like to utilize TANF funding to train child welfare workers on adoption issues. The goal would be to enhance caseworker knowledge of adoption issues and assist children and families through the adoption process. Focus would be for child only cases and children in the child welfare system to help them stabilize their living situation. Are any states currently using TANF funds for adoption services? Training? Any assistance or direction you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Question / Response(s)

How does your state administer and budget benefits for support services such as transportation, clothing, car repairs, books, licensing, etc? Does your state use a benefits card, voucher system? Does each client receive the same amounts for each specific service or does it differ from family to family


In response to a request for technical assistance from the Metropolitan Nashville/Davidson County Social Services Department, Welfare Peer TA sponsored a Roundtable event in Nashville, TN April 26-27, 2005. Welfare Peer TA Roundtables are designed…

Journal Article

This article describes the HHS ACF effort to focus on programs that strengthen marriages, and ultimately, improve child well-being, and provides information on and links to recent studies that reflect the large-scale research agenda of the ACF.…


In March, the Senate passed the PRIDE bill, which included $6 billion for child care assistance in Federal funds. This article explores the history on child care subsidies and the importance of Federal funding.

Question / Response(s)

Could anyone please provide examples of small faith-based local programs that are effectively serving TANF customers? Please describe services provided and recent successes.

Question / Response(s)

Are there any states that means-test their child-only cases (non-parental caregivers, specifically)? Aside from the impacts to foster care caseloads, has anyone thought about the implications of doing so? Does anyone know of any federal regulations that might apply?


CDHS requested TA regarding innovative and proven strategies for utilizing subsidized employment, supervised work experience and community service to meet work participation rates and increase self-sufficiency outcomes.

Question / Response(s)

Does your State TANF agency utilize card technology to issue supportive services to participants of the TANF work program/welfare to work activities?


This resource reviews a project through New York City's Administration for Children's Service project called Neighborhood Networks. This project builds a foundation for collaboration among organizations that work with children and families. The…

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