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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Question / Response(s)

North Carolina has requested examples of how States might currently be using TANF (or State MOE) funding to provide services for homeless families. Also, if there are funds provided to prevent homelessness, that would be helpful. Please advise of any such practices and provide a contact person.

Research-To-Practice Brief

Authored by Chelsea Farley. This issue brief describes the Philadelphia-based Amachi program, which partners faith-based organizations with public agencies and nonprofit service providers to identify children of prisoners and match them with…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Under contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of the Compassion Capital Fund (CCF), Caliber Associates is evaluating the pre- and post-release effects of the faith-based Kairos Horizon program. Among the goals…


Authored by Kelly Noonan, Rider University, National Bureau of Economic Research; Nancy E. Reichman, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; and Hope Corman, Rider University, National Bureau of…


This article, through the Institute for Women's Policy Research, examines the prevalence of disabilities among mothers and children in low-income families and the work participation rates among mothers.


This resource is a Brookings Institution report on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). It concludes that State governments should consider building on the federal EITC through State tax codes; ensuring that more eligible families get the credit…

Reports / Testimony to Congress

Authored by Thomas M. Fraker, Dan M. Levy, Robert B. Olsen, and Rita A. Stapulonis. This Mathematica Policy Research Inc. Report to Congress Presents findings from the outcomes analysis component of the Welfare-to-Work evaluation describing…

Book Chapter / Book

This set of case management functions is drawn from a chapter entitled, ”The principles of effective case management of mental health services” (pp. 24-51) by researchers Charles A. Rapp and Richard J. Goscha. It is included in a larger volume…


In 1994, the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Services for Families with Infants and Toddlers set forth a vision for Early Head Start programs in declaring that all child care settings used by Early Head Start families, whether or not the…


This Welfare Peer TA event was a one-day workshop that highlighted best practices and model programs that encourage the development and sustaining of healthy marriages. The event was a collaborative effort between the Bay Area Social Services…

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