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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Stakeholder Resource

This blogpost provides guidance on lessons learned from implementing the MyGoals for Employment Success program, an employment coaching model that assists participants during the pandemic. The blogpost draws a structured set of relevant questions…


This report highlights the MyGoals for Employment Success demonstration, an employment coaching program where participants are empowered to set and achieve goals by focusing on executive skills, which are the mental skills used to conduct tasks.…

Stakeholder Resource

The U.S. Department of Labor offers a comprehensive set of resources in celebration of National Mentoring Month. This site includes information on adult mentoring, being a mentor, mentoring as a component of reentry, and workplace mentoring. Also…

Question / Response(s)
A representative from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is interested in learning what states and counties are currently implementing or have in the past implemented Mobility Mentoring.

Stakeholder Resource

The Larimer County Works Program has implemented a goal achievement coaching model (Goal4 It!) hand-in-glove with a technology-based coaching platform, TuaPath. The combined approach, referred to as My Journey to Success, has redirected TANF…

Stakeholder Resource

The Kansas Department for Children and Families is improving employment retention for participants in its Successful Families Program (TANF) with a new staffing strategy. By creating the specialized roles of “Career Navigators” and “Transitional…


“Creating a Strong Foundation for Change” is a resource for programs working with low-income families when anticipating or implementing a new approach such as coaching. This guide will help you to systematically look at your foundational readiness…

Webinar / Webcast

During this final Coaching for Success webinar, states from the IIEESS Learning Community share highlights of their work and future goals with others on the team. The IIEESS team also shares strategies and resources for sustainability that may…

Webinar / Webcast

The Social Capital Webinar Series is part of the Emerging Practice Series of the Office of Family Assistance’s Integrating Innovative Employment and Economic Stability Strategies (IIEESS) initiative. Comprised of three parts, the Social Capital…

Webinar / Webcast

The Social Capital Webinar Series is part of the Emerging Practice Series of the Office of Family Assistance’s Integrating Innovative Employment and Economic Stability Strategies (IIEESS) initiative. Comprised of three parts, the Social Capital…

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