Learn, Innovate, Improve (LI2)

Learn, Innovate, Improve (LI2) is a framework and process for collaborative, evidence-informed change in public programs. LI2 served as the approach by which LASER TLC teams and their coaches worked together to plan, implement, and test their change initiatives. During the Learn phase, teams clarified the root cause problems they were solving for; identified and engaged key partners in the work; and assessed their environment’s readiness for change.
During the Innovate phase, LASER TLC teams developed road maps for change – planning out the logic of specific changes and creating a plan to implement each one well. During the Improve phase, teams road tested their innovations, gathering formative feedback from key partners on ways to improve implementation.
This section of the Digital Resource Portfolio houses a suite of materials developed for the LASER TLC teams to assist them in working through each of the three phases of LI2.
Agenda: LASER TLC Initial Convening (August 2021)
Brief: Implementation Science and LI2 Overview
PowerPoint: Implementation Science and LI2
Recording: Implementation Science and LI2
PowerPoint: LI2 and The Learn Phase Activities
Recording: LI2 and The Learn Phase Activities
PowerPoint: Introduction to LI2 and Beginning Your Learn Phase Journey
Recording: Introduction to LI2 and Beginning Your Learn Phase Journey
Templates: Learn Phase Activities – Problem Tree Analysis, Bullseye Diagramming, and Abstraction Laddering
Templates: Resistance to Change, Individual MAPping, and the COM-B (Capabilities, Opportunities, Motivation)
Recording: The Learn Phase: Ready, Set, Go! + A Conversation on Readiness
PowerPoint: The Learn Phase: Ready, Set, Go! + A Conversation on Readiness
Agenda: Road Maps for Change Session (February 2022)
PowerPoint: Road Maps for Change
Recording: Road Maps for Change
Example: Road Map for Change, Michigan Works! Great Lakes Bay
Agenda: From Innovate to Improve: Implementing and Testing Components of Your TLC Initiative Session (July 2022)
PowerPoint: From Innovate to Improve: Implementing and Testing Components of Your TLC Initiative
Recording: From Innovate to Improve: Implementing and Testing Components of Your TLC Initiative
Brief – Learn, Innovate, Improve: Enhancing Programs and Improving Lives (January 2018): This practice brief provides an introduction to and overview of LI2 including the objectives, common methods, and expected results for each of the three phases.
Brief – The Learn Phase: Creating Sustainable Change in Human Services Programs (February 2019): This practice brief delves into the objectives and process steps of the Learn phase, providing short case study examples and illustrative activities.
Brief – The Innovate Phase: Co-creating Evidence-informed Solutions to Improve Human Services Programs (April 2019): This practice brief delves into the objectives and process steps of the Innovate phase, providing short case study examples and illustrative activities.
Brief – Using a “Road Test” to Improve Human Services Programs (March 2018): This practice brief delves into the objectives and process steps of the Improve phase and walks through the steps for and examples of designing and conducting a road test, which is a small-scale, quick-turnaround pilot test focused on gathering feedback to improve implementation quality.
Guide – Learn, Innovate, Improve: A Practice Guide for Enhancing Programs and Improving Lives (February 2022): This practice guide outlines the building blocks of LI2, the objectives and process steps for each of the three phases, and examples of how to advance change using this framework. This guide is intended to be used by a site team in partnership with a coaching/technical assistance team. It includes templates for creating a road map for change and a testing plan.