Case Management Strategies & Coaching

As the LASER TLC teams transitioned to the Innovate phase of LI2 and began to plan for implementation, strategies were explored to help LASER TLC sites shift organizational culture and align staff mindsets and skillsets with their planned program changes. Case management, coaching, and staff training on impact was central to this discussion.
This session provided an overview of case management and coaching strategies, shared different practice models and coaching frameworks, and highlighted concrete examples from programs that have implemented these different models.
This brief provides an overview of case management and coaching approaches. It outlines how coaching differs from other human services approaches and articulates the core beliefs of human services coaching.
This agenda notes key activities of the Collective Technical Assistance event held in August 2022.
This is a link to the recording from this technical assistance event in August 2022.
The Prosperity Agenda’s presentation provides an introduction to coaching and the key concepts of person-centered, goal-driven client support.
This Public Consulting Group (PCG) presentation outlines the core components of the Human Services coaching framework. Included is the PowerPoint presentation from the State of Hawaii highlighting how the state used this approach to train its frontline workers.
This presentation by The Prosperity Agenda highlights the five core concepts included in a family-centered coaching model. The model includes a site readiness assessment; a train-the-trainer program; a family-focused coaching toolkit, and post-training webinars, as well as an online learning community.
This Mathematica presentation highlights the model design and initial implementation of this science-informed approach to delivering human services programs in a way that activates a person’s motivation for change. Included is a presentation from the State of Ohio TANF program on its implementation of the Goal4It! Training.
This presentation by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities showcases the GPDR/R Training program and how TANF administrators can access these free materials to train their frontline staff. It includes a
Research on Options for Building Coaching Practices into TANF Programs: This issue brief, developed as a resource through Project Improve for the Office of Family Assistance, supports TANF program administrators interested in adopting coaching practices. It compares five coaching models: Family-centered Coaching; Goal4It!; the Human Services Framework; MyGoals; and Mobility Mentoring.
Executive Skills Coaching Plus Incentives in a Workforce Program: This practice brief delves into the objectives and process steps of the Innovate phase, providing short case study examples and illustrative activities.
Agency Discussion Guide: As Human Services agencies consider moving towards a coaching model or building aspects of coaching into their case management processes, this readiness assessment helps agencies determine how ready their agency is for this change and what coaching model is best aligned with their organizational culture and programmatic goals.
Human Services Coaching Modules: This is a link to the online Human Services coaching curriculum available on the OFA PeerTA Web Site.