TANF Modernization Journey

As the LASER TLC sites began to rethink their approach to service delivery and their support for TANF participants and their families, modernizing the safety net was at the forefront of that discussion. This learning session provided the TLC sites the opportunity to hear about the foundational principles behind TANF modernization. Presenters highlighted how to operationalize the practice changes incorporated within TANF modernization—a focus on harnessing technology and digital solutions; case management strategies; accessing data; creating success indicators; and fully engaging or reengaging clients/constituents in the pandemic-era economy.
This agenda reflects key activities of the LASER TLC Collective Technical Assistance event held in May 2022.
This American Public Human Services Association presentation reviews TANF modernization principles and presents a roadmap for modernization encompassing the “why” and “how” to secure buy-in from leadership, utilize data, foster cross-system partnerships, and concentrate on the needs of families.
This Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance presentation covers the family-centered policy shifts it made to support families. The presentation also highlights the evidence the department used to support its policy shifts, the pathway it used to drive changemaking, and the gender and ethnicity outcomes it is assessing.
This American Public Human Services Association document identifies challenges and limitations of the current TANF policy framework and proposes strategies for overcoming these dilemmas by addressing the well-being and thriving of families, advancing race equity, and building on family and community assets.