Program/Practice Name: No Wrong Door (NWD)
Agency Name: Louisiana Department of Social Services (DSS)
Contact Information: Stacy McQuillin Project Manager Louisiana Department of Social Services (225) 342-5573 smcquill@dss.state.la.us http://www.dss.state.la.us/index.cfm?md=sitesearch&tmp=home&keyword=no%20wrong%20door&startIndex=1
Type of Program/Practice: In its pilot stages, NWD allows clients to access intake materials and receive intake assistance to any DSS program through any of the DSS agencies.
Program/Practice Description: NWD emerged from a 2003 Louisiana legislative act, with the goal of improving client services with access to multiple State agency assistance programs through a single point of entry, integrated screening and referral, and multiagency case management. NWD is being piloted in a limited capacity within DSS in two parishes. Program goals are supported by the development of the ACESS (A Comprehensive Enterprise Social Service System) electronic case management system.
Innovations and Results: At DSS entry points (Louisiana Rehabilitation Services, Office of Community Services, Office of Family Support) or through the online tool, clients expressing interest can be screened for eligibility for Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and cash assistance, child care assistance, and Medicaid. If the screening occurs at a DSS facility, staff must offer to make appointments with agencies supporting identified needs. A new document scanning project, being piloted in one parish, allows staff within each of the three DSS agencies to view a client's submitted documentation to reduce the collection of duplicative information and documents. DSS staff receive broad cross-training on the functions and rules of DSS agencies.
Tips to Implementation: NWD represents a philosophy shift and an ambitious objective of synchronizing intake, referral, and case management processes of many State agencies. Louisiana has started this process incrementally, beginning with DSS and two pilot parishes.
Keys to Success:
- Staff cross-training to understand the services offered by affiliated agencies.
- Supportive technology (ACESS), which allows comprehensive screening and will support any future multidisciplinary team case management.
Challenges: When implementing a similar model, agencies should consider the ability and limits of agencies to share data under Federal law and the limited funding options for collaborative interagency efforts due to restrictions on uses of Federal program dollars.
The following tools are associated with No Wrong Door. Please send us an email for more information about these tools.
Select Needed Services
Survey for clients and caseworkers to locate supportive services
Screening Tool
Used to help determine comprehensive eligibility and identify multiple social services
Staff Orientation 2007
Cross-training materials and policy handbook
Information Sharing Report
2011 update on the "One DCFS Transformation Project"
Louisiana Neighborhood Place Business Plan
A "one stop shop" that allows the State and community partners to provide comprehensive services to citizens