The toolkit was designed to center the voices and perspectives of young people while supporting them in their career pathways and transitions.
This toolkit is intended to support the creation of a Career Pathways Plan through career awareness, career pathways, and Integrated Education and Training resources.
This Toolkit is designed to assist workforce intermediaries to gauge their capacity and effectiveness in leading and supporting the creation, improvement, and sustainability of high-quality career pathways.
This brief highlights examples of career pathway models funded by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program.
This career pathways framework has been developed for local, regional, and state stakeholders in Michigan to assist them in the process of designing and implementing career pathways programs and integrated career pathways systems.
The purpose of this toolkit is to compile resources for workforce development systems to use when developing their sector-based strategies.
This toolkit by the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative is designed to develop strong employment pathways and work opportunities for out-of-school and out-of-work youth between 16 and 24 years old. The toolkit supports community-based organizations and other intermediaries to understand regional workforce needs, including labor market data and employer demands, and the knowledge that is required to guide youth towards employment.
The purpose of this toolkit is to guide State and local leaders to build, implement, and sustain career pathways systems and programs. The 2016 revision includes new knowledge gained from the field, plus the system’s guiding legislation from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
The goal of this clearinghouse is to inform the public workforce investment system about the value, development, and uses of competency models. A competency model is a collection of competencies that together define successful performance in a particular work setting, from Personal Effectiveness Competencies, such as ‘initiative,’ to Occupation-Specific Requirements, such as ‘Process patient admission or discharge documents.’ Competency models are a tool for Career Pathways stakeholders to communicate clearly about the competencies required for specific jobs, job groups, organizations, occupations, or industries, and a framework to develop educational offerings.