Competency Model Clearinghouse
The goal of this clearinghouse is to inform the public workforce investment system about the value, development, and uses of competency models. A competency model is a collection of competencies that together define successful performance in a particular work setting, from Personal Effectiveness Competencies, such as ‘initiative,’ to Occupation-Specific Requirements, such as ‘Process patient admission or discharge documents.’ Competency models are a tool for Career Pathways stakeholders to communicate clearly about the competencies required for specific jobs, job groups, organizations, occupations, or industries, and a framework to develop educational offerings.
The Competency Model Clearinghouse provides validated industry competency models as well as tools to build a custom model and career ladder lattice for any industry.
• The Clearinghouse provides industry specific models for 20 industries, including commercial construction, energy, electronic health records, hospitality/hotel and lodging, information technology, and long-term care, supports, and services.
• Visitors can also use the Clearinghouse’s resource database and online tools to build customized competency models and career ladders/lattices that reflect regional workforce needs.
• There is also a database of user-submitted case summaries and stories that demonstrate the many ways competency models are being used by specific States, industry groups, and Career Pathways initiative stakeholders.
• The Clearinghouse offers tutorials and user guides on “Developing Competency Models and Career Ladders and Lattices” and “Applying Competency Models and Career Ladders and Lattices.”
Workers: both entry-level and those looking to advance in their careers.
The Competency Model Clearinghouse was created as part of ETA’s role as the Federal partner in the Workforce Investment System, as part of the Industry Competency Model initiative.