This toolkit is designed to help states create career pathways systems that integrate and expand partnerships between state human service agencies and community and technical college systems and institutions.
This toolkit is intended to support the design and implementation of a new postsecondary education model which:
• reflects the current need for rapid reskilling and a world of work being transformed by technology
• supports adult students balancing family and work obligations
• acknowledges and grants credit for the skills gained through work
• focuses on racial and socioeconomic equity.
This toolkit introduces the PA Career Ready Skills (PA CRS) and Continuum and provides resources for Local Education Agency (LEA) and teacher implementation.
This practice guide provides community colleges with five specific recommendations for supporting occupational skills training through career pathways.
This toolkit was created to guide adult learners in building employability skills in response to the 2006 study by The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, Partnership for 21s Century Skills, and the Society for Human Resource Management, “Are They Really Ready to Work?”
The Career Pathways Playbook assists businesses with new strategies for locating talent,
hiring, upskilling current employees, and increasing retention. It contains business resources and data to assist in implementing new strategies, attracting skilled employees, increasing retention of top talent, and adjusting problem areas of businesses.
This toolkit is intended to support the creation of a Career Pathways Plan through career awareness, career pathways, and Integrated Education and Training resources.
This policy brief presents a comprehensive policy approach to providing high-quality work-based learning experiences that prepare participants for postsecondary and workforce success in high-demand occupations.
This brief highlights examples of career pathway models funded by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program.
This brief presents examples of successful practices that develop equitable student-centered pathways to health careers at several of the 14 sites of the Building Healthy Communities initiative. The Building Healthy Communities initiative is a 10-year, $1 billion comprehensive community initiative launched by The California Endowment in 2010 to advance statewide policy, change the narrative, and transform 14 of California’s communities most devastated by health inequities.