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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This paper published by the Institute for Research on Poverty examines the effect of Medicaid expansions on intergenerational economic mobility. Using new data, the authors utilize the uneven Medicaid eligibility expansions across states to isolate…


This report from the National Skills Coaliation provides recommendations on how states can use their WIOA state plan to establish strategies that close the skill gap and help workers and businesses succeed.


This video from the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNT Data Center shows how the data center provides critical information about children and families to stakeholders, including federal and state legislators, advocates, activists, journalists,…

Stakeholder Resource

On Tuesday, March 24, 2015, the Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Technical Assistance Team conducted a webinar entitled, “Keeping the Ship Afloat: Reducing Staff Turnover and Building Stability Systems.” The webinar provided…


The goal of workforce development efforts serving individuals in poverty is to provide them with the skills and credentials they need to increase their earnings in the labor market and advance to self-sufficiency. It is important for workforce…

Research-To-Practice Brief

The two-generation approach typically promotes uniting two types of programs to serve families. One type consists of early childhood development programs such as home visiting, Head Start/Early Head Start, and successful transition to elementary…


The report from First Focus provides a historical context and lessons learned on two-generation approaches to reducing poverty. The author discusses three policy areas to implement two-generation approaches, including Head Start, the Supplemental…

Question / Response(s)
The State of Maine's Department of Health and Human Services would like to know if there are any states or counties that have added ESL completion and/or English proficiency into its definition of work-readiness for TANF work participation.


This report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities discusses how enhanced federal Medicaid matching funds made available because of the Affordable Care Act can be used for technology and services improvements to eligibility systems that are…


This report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities discusses the concept of “churn,” when the periodic review of public benefits eligibility leaves benefits-eligible households without benefits temporarily, and forces them to reapply. Churn…

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