TANF and FBCO Partnerships

Nearly twenty years ago, the Office of Family Assistance hosted the Faith-based and Community Organizations (FBCO) Initiative to better understand and enhance the partnerships between Federal, State, or local governments and FBCOs to provide employment and self-sufficiency services to TANF participants and other low-income populations. While this initiative has since ended, the promising work of the public sector and FBCO collaborations has not. This webpage provides resources intended to help identify, establish, maintain, and strengthen partnerships between TANF agencies and FBCOs.
Group of people holding hands and praying together
Webinar / Webcast

On November 29, 2011 the TANF Faith-Based and Community Organizations Initiative, sponsored by the Office of Family Assistance, hosted a Webinar that featured an innovative community-based homeless shelter, a TANF agency that successfully uses…


This cross-site analysis examines all 8 of the exemplary FBCO-TANF partnerships described in the project’s case studies, by drawing out important findings related to volunteer management, organizational infrastructure, inter-agency communication…


The Faith-Based and Community Organizations Collaboration Institutes were designed to increase collaboration of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) agencies by leveraging existing community resources to help low-income participants…


The TANF Faith-Based and Community Organizations Initiative was designed to examine promising partnerships between TANF offices and FBCOs working in their communities. The goal of the initiative was to help low-income participants attain economic…


These resources come directly from the field, and consist of tools used by leading practitioners--both TANF officials and FBCO leaders--throughout the country. Examples include inter-agency Memoranda of Understanding, tracking and referral forms…


During Phase 3 of the project (2009-2010), in close partnership with the OFA Federal Project Officer, the project team conducted two-day site visits with each leading organization, which included faith-based organizations, community-based…