
Reentry Matters: Strategies and Successes of Second Chance Act Grantees Across the United States

With over 95 percent of people in the nation's State prisons expected to be released at some point, officials at all levels of government recognize the need for initiatives to support the successful reentry of these individuals to their communities. The program snapshots released in this publication by the Council of State Governments illustrate the positive impact reentry initiatives can have by focusing on areas vital to successful reintegration back into the community, including employment, education, mentoring, and substance abuse and mental health treatment. Also highlighted are programs that address the needs of a particular population, such as women, youth and their families, and Tribal communities. Representing a wide range of populations served, these programs also demonstrate the diversity of approaches that can address recidivism and increase public safety.

Partner Resources
Education and Training
Supportive Services
Health/Behavioral Health Referrals and Supports
Special Populations
Incarcerated and Individuals with a Criminal Record
Publication Date