Stakeholder Resource

Real World Calculators

A number of states have created free Reality Check Calculators to help youth, students, and adults understand how salary, wages, careers, education, training, and budgets all interrelate. Reality Check Calculators can be used to estimate the cost of living in a particular state or community. There are several examples of these in California, Minnesota, and Texas. These tools help the users think about what the cost of living is, and how education and training correlate to salary and careers. The Calculators allow users to think about:

  • Type of housing they would like (apartment, condo, house);
  • Utility Costs (phone, electricity, cable, etc.);
  • Food (eating out, cooking at home, combination);
  • Transportation needs (public transportation, used or new car);
  • Entertainment and other miscellaneous charges; and
  • Savings.

Once the user has established their “ideal” cost of living and budget they are linked to state salary, occupation, and labor market information sites.

Partner Resources
Education and Training
Supportive Services
Post-employment Supports
Special Populations
Publication Date