Emerging Practice Series: Kansas: Career Navigators and Retention Specialists Improve Employment Success
The Kansas Department for Children and Families is improving employment retention for participants in its Successful Families Program (TANF) with a new staffing strategy. By creating the specialized roles of “Career Navigators” and “Transitional Retention Specialists,” the program offers TANF participants individualized career development services, connections to employers and employment opportunities, and post-employment services to help navigate the cliff effect and support job retention.
This brief is part of the Emerging Practice Series of the Office of Family Assistance’s Integrating Innovative Employment and Economic Stability Strategies (IIEESS) initiative, which highlights the strategies of TANF agencies and their partners to help low-income individuals gain and sustain meaningful employment. Each brief describes an emerging practice that has been implemented in one site, an overview of the program model, and the results that have been achieved. Compelling stories of participants’ success and suggestions from TANF agency staff to their peers provide actionable insights and on-the-ground perspectives.
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IIEESS Emerging Practice Kansas Brief | 11.95 MB |