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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Question / Response(s)

Rhode Island is asking if any state has devised a system of notification via computer between case manager(s) and vendors who provide services for TANF clients. Although the state already has a well developed paper notification system between itself and its vendors, it would like to automate notifications and make a 'paperless' system. The state would like to know if any states have developed a way to communicate the individuals' employability plan on the computer as a WORD document to its contractors, receiving the plan back as items are completed or not and/or outlining progress in specific activities. A best case scenario would be a family plan available in 'real time.' Such a plan would be accessible to vendors who could place notes or comments in the plan on the screen or even track attendance. This screen might be available in various forms to all involved in the plan, including the client. The state could then use this document on the screen to plot the client's progress, pay vendors timely and provide for plan changes while keeping abreast of client's activities - even daily, as needed.


During this Roundtable, participants heard presentations from El Paso County, Colorado, and the States of Alabama and New Jersey about innovative practices in those locations. South Carolina shared results of a large-scale research effort regarding…


Examining federal, state, and institutional programs, the paper presents a framework for understanding challenges to securing comprehensive financial assistance for low-income working students. The paper identifies promising approaches for…

Peer TA Products (miscellaneous)

Brighter Future, Inc. (Brighter Future) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Texas. This organization is a minority operated, community-based organization that provides educational training, vocational support services, and pre-…


The Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network conducted discussions with State TANF administrators around the country to assess their current policies around the child-only caseload. These States include Alabama, Florida, Idaho, North Carolina,…


This report sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) uses survey and administrative data to examine the personal characteristics and situations, potential challenges for employment, compensating…


Efforts to replicate the experience of the Center for Employment Training (CET) in San Jose, California -- a uniquely successful program that helped at-risk youth develop skills needed to compete in today's labor market -- showed mixed results.…

Question / Response(s)

Have any State or county TANF agencies established constructive relationships with their local public housing agencies? If so, describe how this collaboration was formed and what results/changes have taken place due to this collaboration.

Question / Response(s)

Many States are currently using internet technology as an information tool to support their TANF, Child Care, Child Support and/or Child Welfare programs. Have any States' use of the Web progressed to the 'transaction' or 'commerce' phase to assist in providing direct services to their clients?

Book Chapter / Book

This latest in a series of MDRC how-to guides identifies program features and administrative practices that can help states better target financial work incentives to intended beneficiaries, increase participation among eligible incentive…

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