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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Question / Response(s)

Shared Custody - This is a two part question. (1) How do other states handle TANF eligibility in equally shared custody situations where one of the parents is requesting TANF assistance? For instance, a child lives with mom two weeks and then with dad two weeks, alternating between their residences, resulting in an equal amount of time at both of the parents' homes. Mom has applied for TANF assistance. How does this arrangement impact her eligibility for TANF benefits? How is the child support assignment and child support involvement handled? (2) How is eligibility affected and determined when both of the parents, in the above scenario, request TANF assistance?

Question / Response(s)

Which states have an IWRP form?

Question / Response(s)

Has any state or county TANF program developed a single screening tool that could be used to identify families at risk of long-term reliance on TANF?

Question / Response(s)

Are you aware of any TANF agencies that have specialized case managers that focus on SSI advocacy? If so, do you have information on what training they've received, job descriptions, competencies?


The Welfare Peer TA Network sponsored this statewide Roundtable event that took place in Baltimore, MD from September 14-16, 2005. Attended by over 80 individuals, this Roundtable focused on developing partnerships to address the challenges…

Question / Response(s)

We are comparing the maximum TANF cash benefit to a family of three, by state. Does anyone know where we can find that information for each state?

Question / Response(s)

To my knowledge one of the important changes of the Personal Responsibility and Work opportunities Act (PRWORA) was that the new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which replaced AFDC, enabled the federal states to decide whether to refuse further payments to single parent who bear another child during the time they receive social assistance. Is there a list available which states decided to do so or could you recommend any other source to find out which states make use of this possibility and which do not? Thank you very much.


In this paper, the authors examine the extent of substance use, abuse, and dependence disorders among respondents from the Women's Employment Study, women receiving welfare in 1997 and 2003. Substance use and dependence was found to co-occur with…


The Brookings Institute hosted a briefing on the new Census data on poverty. A panel of experts offered their opinions on what the data means for children and families in the United States.


Los Angeles' welfare caseload is larger than that of 48 of the 50 states. LA had a rigorous work participation requirement and developed policies to help move welfare recipients into jobs; over time, more recipients did go to work. However, most…

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