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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Research-To-Practice Brief

Between 1996 and May 2006, the TANF caseload has decreased 75%, leaving 65,000 families on the welfare caseload as of May 2006. While Texas has experienced a high rate of caseload decline, statistics show that many families have left welfare for…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency would like to learn about strategies for working with families who have "timed off," now that they are considered "work eligible" under the new federal TANF law?

Question / Response(s)

Are any states counting toward their MOE requirements either cash given to not-for-profit organizations on behalf of eligible families or the value of the in-kind service that the not-for-profit provided to eligible families using that cash or both- for example, a food bank?


From the National Center for Children in Poverty, this article explores trends in child poverty rates since 2000. Overall, the national child poverty rate has increased, and this report identifies the regions across the country in which families…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This brief, from the Heritage Institute, outlines the objectives of the TANF program and progress towards meeting its goals. In the past ten years of welfare reform, authors argue that the legislation was a success in reducing welfare dependence…


From the School of Social Work at the University of California–Berkley, this resource offers different perspectives of poverty throughout social science disciplines, including Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, and Anthropology…

Research-To-Practice Brief

From the Brookings Institution, this article reviews the nationwide spending decisions for TANF block grants, with a focus on Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Results indicate that all three States spent more funds on providing services and…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This brief from the National Center for Children in Poverty reviews the last ten years of welfare reform and provides policy challenges upcoming for the future. While there have been "undeniable successes," the author reviews important factors…


The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) studied TANF applicants taking part in a post-secondary education program through a local non-profit while on the TANF caseload. By interviewing students, this study explored the challenges and…


The child poverty rate in the 50 largest cities significantly increased between 1999 and 2004. Specifically, the child poverty rate in the 50 largest cities was 28 percent- compared to 18 percent nationally. From the Brookings Institution, this…

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