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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This MEF Associates evaluation report prepared for the City of Seattle evaluates their Career Bridge program. Career Bridge was developed as an alternative means of addressing recent gun violence in the city by addressing employment barriers of low-…

Stakeholder Resource

ACF and the Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced an evaluation of subsidized employment efforts. The evaluation will aim to help States and localities use and expand subsidized employment strategies for Temporary Assistance for Needy…

Stakeholder Resource

The WIOA Collection website provides information and resources to states, local areas, non-profits, grantees, and other stakeholders to assist with implementation of the Act. It includes an Action Planner, “WIOA 101,” partner sites, and more.


These video presentations, released by the Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, provide overviews and key highlights of a variety of topics related to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. They have been…

Stakeholder Resource

This blog post from the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education provides information about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and invites comments on the…

Policy Announcement / Memoranda

This "Dear Colleague Letter," issued by the Office of Family Assistance in the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, discusses the new roles for state Temporary Assistance for…

Stakeholder Resource

This website offers resources to prepare for the implementation of WIOA. The resources include early implementation guidance, WIOA transition authority for immediate implementation of governance provisions, and a Department of Labor news release on…


Recently, the economic climate has refocused attention on how to design effective workforce development strategies to benefit low-wage and low-skill workers advance in the job market. However, one key barrier faced by this group is a lack of child…


In 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services launched the Subsidized and Transitional Employment Demonstration (STED), and the Department of Labor launched the Enhanced Transitional Jobs Demonstration (ETJD). These complementary…


This report from Young Invincibles examines the many challenges faced by Millennial parents, a rapidly growing sect of the U.S. population. Young Invincibles developed and analyzed a young parent grouping in the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current…

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