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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This article, from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, reviews three successful programs from the Jobs Initiative. The Jobs Initiative was developed 9 years ago to help low-income workers maintain employment and advance in the workplace. This piece…


With the inception of welfare reform in 1996, the goal was to move recipients off welfare and into work. While many States have adopted supports for recipients moving to work, many former recipients have difficulty maintaining stable employment.…


From the National Center for Children in Poverty, this resource gives fact sheets on all 50 States including policy decisions State governments have made that affect low-wage workers and their families. The profiles focus on work supports and…


Millions of welfare recipients have entered the labor force in the past decade, but…


This report uses meta-analysis, a set of statistically based techniques for combining  quantitative findings from different studies, to synthesize estimates of program effects from  random assignment evaluations of welfare-to-work…

Question / Response(s)

The State of Iowa would like to know of any States that are currently using any particular assessment tool for TANF participants? Do States have "best practices" or "best assessment tools" that they are willing to share?


This article, through the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, is the final report from an Academy for six States to acquire the tools critical in developing effective policies that foster a competitive and knowledgeable…


Authored by David A. Long and Tammy Ouellette. Despite the TANF program's emphasis on employment, the policies, practices, and attitudes of the employers of TANF recipients have received limited attention. This study, conducted by Abt Associates…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Mentoring programs can often provide positive youth development similar to the support a youth receives from caregivers. This issue brief, from the National Human Service Assembly, offers information on how greater family engagement in youth…


This report of the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center Reentry Roundtable explores the transition from prison to work and discusses what we know about the employment-related needs of prisoners, the current opportunities and restrictions on…

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