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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This First Focus report from the Brookings Institution offers a summary of the economic recession’s impact on children in the United States. During an average month in 2011, an estimated 6.5 children had an unemployed parent, with more than 1…

Journal Article

The Center on the Developing Child from Harvard University released a Question and Answer sheet assessing the "Long Reach of Early Childhood Poverty" report. The report was authored by Greg Duncan and Katherine Magnuson. This piece reviews the…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare/Bureau of Employment and Training Programs would like to discuss approaches used by States that take immediate action (and forego written notice) to terminate or sanction TANF benefits based on noncompliance with work requirements. Currently, after a TANF recipient has demonstrated non-compliance with work requirements, Pennsylvania conducts a compliance review to determine whether the non-compliance was willful and within the individual's control. If it was willful, a written notice is sent to terminate benefits, which could include sanction. The notice offers appeal rights and benefits are not closed until a 10 day 'appeal window' has passed.

Question / Response(s)

A representative from Boulder County Community Services would like to know if any local governments have experience with targeting entry-level public sector jobs for low-income workers outside of a subsidized wage or On the Job Training (OJT) program? Boulder County Community Services and another county government is also interested in exploring policies, practices or other strategies to remove barriers to entry-level jobs at municipal and county governments.


Green jobs are located across many industries and organizations and can be broadly defined as jobs that restore, protect, or conserve the natural environment. The U.S. Department of Labor's Women's Bureau released this manual to help women…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the New York Human Resources Administration would like to know if anyone recommends an assessment tool to measure the employment-related motivation level of cash assistance for clients? New York is looking for a tool that will allow them to compare motivational levels among different groups of clients to determine whether a particular intervention is successful in increasing clients motivation to find and maintain employment.

Research-To-Practice Brief

On October 10, 2011, Sentier Research released its first report on a new monthly series that examines household income trends within the United States. This report researched household income trends within the context of the economic recovery…

Fact / Tip Sheet

This fact sheet, by the Urban Institute’s Unemployment and Recovery Project, depicts the changes in employment and low-skill employment by State between 2007 and August of 2011. While the employment-to-population ratio has remained relatively…


Displaced workers often have difficulty finding new employment opportunities. This report, from the Monthly Labor Review at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, provides information on displaced workers across industries between 2007 and 2009. Twenty-…


GED diplomas account for about 12 percent of high school degrees earned in the United States. More than half of GED test credential recipients cite postsecondary education as the motivation for passing the GED test. However, less than 15 percent…

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