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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


The Mentoring Partnership of Southwestern Pennsylvania provides resources to mentoring programs and supports mentoring programs by presenting best practices and delivering training and technical assistance to staff of local programs.


In 2002, 2.3 million youth were arrested for committing crimes. Specifically, low-income urban neighborhoods experience higher rates of juvenile delinquency. These high-risk youth experiences problems in school, in the workforce, and developing…


It is estimated that nearly two million children have an incarcerated parent. This article reviews the challenges that these children face and potential psychological and behavioral implications. Due to the disruption in the child's life,…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Mentoring programs can often provide positive youth development similar to the support a youth receives from caregivers. This issue brief, from the National Human Service Assembly, offers information on how greater family engagement in youth…

Stakeholder Resource

This FASTEN mentoring manual is designed as a guide for those who have chosen to take the incarceration of a child's parent as a point of intervention, with mentoring as a vehicle. The manual uses the Amachi program as a model to show how faith-…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Mentoring programs have a positive affect on improving outcomes for youth; however, there are few programs available for youth with disabilities. This article outlines the benefits of mentoring and reviews accommodations that can be made to…

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