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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This study, commissioned by MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, shares the findings from a nationally representative survey of young people’s perspectives on mentoring. The report offers young people’s perspectives on mentoring in three…


With over 95 percent of people in the nation's State prisons expected to be released at some point, officials at all levels of government recognize the need for initiatives to support the successful reentry of these individuals to their…


The Working Poor Families Project released a policy brief that explores ways to connect young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 years old to education and training programs borne out of state level policies and interventions.

Research-To-Practice Brief

North Carolina A…


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation commissioned this independent evaluation to examine the effectiveness of mentoring programs. With a focus on seven mentoring programs in Washington State, the study assessed how benefits accrued by youth varied…


The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of the Department of Justice commissioned a study to examine the referral stage of the mentoring process across six juvenile justice system settings. The research questions focused on best…


This report from Portland State University summarizes the discussion that took place at the 2011 Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring, a gathering of over 50 mentoring researchers, practitioners, service providers, and policymakers that focused on…


New York City’s Human Resource Administration designed and implemented the WeCARE program to assist the high number of TANF participants on their caseload with clinical barriers to work; the model has since been successful in moving clients with…


From Public/Private Ventures, this resource brief is designed to provide program operators and researchers with advice about how to assess a program's implementation and impact with a focus on mentoring programs, in general. However, the…

Question / Response(s)

The Peer TA Network would like to know if any States use peer mentoring in their TANF programs? For example, using previous TANF participants to work with current participants and mentor them through the process of working with the TANF agency.

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