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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


On March 13-14, 2012, the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) convened the Promising Pathways Initiative Innovation Institute in Washington, DC. The Promising Pathways Initiative provides technical assistance to state and local TANF programs and…


Many State TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) programs identify literacy services as a critical program component to provide participants. However, as most States experience budget shortfalls and are pressured to focus on job placement…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Colorado Department of Human Services is interested in better understanding what an optimal caseload size and composition for TANF programming may be for other counties and States. For example, what is the average caseload size for your TANF eligibility workers versus case managers? Do your eligibility TANF workers also manage SNAP, Medicaid, and other services for their offices? What proportion of your TANF workers time is strictly devoted to TANF participants? On average, what proportion of each workers job is strictly devoted to TANF case management activities (e.g., client assessment, barrier reduction planning, service coordination, client monitoring, and outcome evaluation)?

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare/Bureau of Employment and Training Programs would like to know what other States expect of TANF recipients who claim to have a medical exemption that prevents them from participation in work activities. For example, what forms do States use for medical assessment? Can the clients family doctor complete the form, or is the form completed by an independent exam? What activities and hourly requirements are expected?

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare/Bureau of Employment and Training Programs would like to discuss approaches used by States that take immediate action (and forego written notice) to terminate or sanction TANF benefits based on noncompliance with work requirements. Currently, after a TANF recipient has demonstrated non-compliance with work requirements, Pennsylvania conducts a compliance review to determine whether the non-compliance was willful and within the individual's control. If it was willful, a written notice is sent to terminate benefits, which could include sanction. The notice offers appeal rights and benefits are not closed until a 10 day 'appeal window' has passed.

Webinar / Webcast

On November 29, 2011 the TANF Faith-Based and Community Organizations Initiative, sponsored by the Office of Family Assistance, hosted a Webinar that featured an innovative community-based homeless shelter, a TANF agency that successfully uses…

Question / Response(s)

The Peer TA Network would like to know how other States are handling drug testing and criminal background check fees for recipients in the Community Work Experience Program (CWEP)?


August 22, 2011 marked the 15th anniversary of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program which was passed in an effort to “end welfare as we know it.” Although TANF cash assistance caseloads have fallen dramatically over the past…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Missouri Family Support Division is seeking information regarding Temporary Assistance diversion payments:

  • What is the diversion payment amount (or how many months TA benefit does it equal)?
  • What has been the annual cost of the diversion program to the state?
  • How many/what percentage of TANF applicants opt for the diversion payment? What restrictions are imposed when an applicant opts for the diversion payment?
  • Has the implementation of the diversion program had a positive impact on the TANF Work Participation Rate? If so, what was the overall impact?
  • What has been the annual cost of the diversion program to the state?
  • How many/what percentage of TANF applicants opt for the diversion payment?
  • What restrictions are imposed when an applicant opts for the diversion payment?
  • Has the implementation of the diversion program had a positive impact on the TANF Work Participation Rate? If so, what was the overall impact?

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the New York Human Resources Administration would like to know if anyone recommends an assessment tool to measure the employment-related motivation level of cash assistance for clients? New York is looking for a tool that will allow them to compare motivational levels among different groups of clients to determine whether a particular intervention is successful in increasing clients motivation to find and maintain employment.

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