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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Research-To-Practice Brief

This brief from Health Affairs discusses opportunities through Medicaid to address supportive housing needs. In addition, the brief highlights other tools provided by the Affordable Care Act that can support individuals with disabilities living in…

Research-To-Practice Brief

The Arkansas Career Pathways Initiative (CPI) uses TANF funds to provide support services to over 30,000 qualifying students enrolled in occupational programs at Arkansas community and technical colleges. This issue brief from the National Skills…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Based on provisions in the Affordable Care Act, approximately 180,000 youth who have aged out of the foster care system are eligible for extended health care coverage through age 26. However, only 13 states have made Medicaid coverage available to…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This brief from MDRC examines whether quick employment or basic education and training better improves economic well-being of TANF participants. The authors present findings from three sites that took part in the National Evaluation of Welfare-to-…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This newly released issue brief from the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) provides information and examples of how TANF agencies can support postsecondary completion for TANF recipients through work-study programs. Through these programs, TANF…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This issue brief from the Center for Law and Social Policy examines how young men of color have been disproportionately affected by the decline in employment over the past several years. It is often the case that this population has very few…

Research-To-Practice Brief

The Employment Strategies for Low-Income Adults Evidence Review examined studies of employment and training interventions for low-income adults. The study review intends to provide a systematic assessment of the research evidence for the…

Research-To-Practice Brief

The U.S. incarceration rate remains exceptionally high, especially for socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, and the incidence of involvement in child protective services (CPS) is also quite high among disadvantaged groups. This confluence of…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This issue brief explores what is currently known about intergenerational patterns of child maltreatment and implications for further research. The brief notes that there is limited research on intergenerational child maltreatment, but existing…

Research-To-Practice Brief

The Brookings Institution released a paper that documents the characteristics of the 46.7 million Americans who were living in poverty in 2014. The authors used data from the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement that were…

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