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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


This paper reviews the critical role that responsible fatherhood plays in improving outcomes for children and families. It first reviews the history of how the fatherhood "field" took shape in the late 1960s to 1980s, and then, reviews the…


With assistance from the Welfare Peer TA Network, the Partners for Community in Bloomington, Illinois and the Illinois Department of Human Services participated in a site visit to a model intermediary program in Oklahoma, the Cornerstone…


The Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network coordinated this workshop in conjunction with the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Division. The purpose of this two-day workshop was to assemble a collection of varying levels of…


Besides acting as a critical health problem, teen pregnancy is tied to a variety of other social issues, including welfare dependence, overall child well-being, out-of-wedlock births, fatherhood, and workforce development. Over half of all teen…


The Network has created a Q&A on the "Charitable Choice" provision under PRWORA. Additionally, we have compiled a list of Faith-Community Based Initiatives. To view these resources, click on the following links.


The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration's (DOLETA's) sponsored a one and a half day seminar on the development of strategies to help Temporary Assistance for…


This report summarizes the ACF Rapid Response Technical Assistance workshop, Collaborating to Address the Needs of Multi-Barrier Families, held August 29-30, 2001 in Boise, Idaho. The workshop designed to help Idaho move low-income families with…


Over the past thirty years, Federal and State policymakers have created various programs with the common goal of moving people from welfare to work. A long debated issue has been how to increase employment among welfare recipients. This research…


This guide reviews how States have shaped their welfare reform strategies since 1996, in light of the flexibility afforded them by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. It describes how most States used their new…


Traditional public housing rules that set rent as a percentage of a tenant's income have long been thought to discourage residents from taking jobs, because much of the extra income from employment is simply absorbed by an increase in rent. The…

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