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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Research-To-Practice Brief

Mathematica Policy Research issued three new briefs to document lessons learned from implementing the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), which educates youth on abstinence and contraception. These briefs are part of a multi-component…

Stakeholder Resource

This blog post from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau highlights recent research regarding teens in the U.S. and their level of financial literacy. The research results did show room to improve financial literacy among teens, but it also…


This Jobs for the Future brief details the Opportunity Works initiative, which funded seven community-based organizations across the country to develop education and training programs for youth who are disconnected from school and work. Halfway…


Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), public workforce programs were encouraged to make stronger partnerships with TANF. In this report, the Center on Law and Social Policy detailed the findings of a survey conducted in 2016 on…


This interactive map from Feeding America describes the extent of food security by county across the United States. Using 2015 food insecurity data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, this map illustrates how food insecurity rates differ across…


Nearly 12% of American children will spend at least half of their lives from birth to age 17 living in poverty. This report from the Urban Institute analyzes factors that have helped these persistently poor children achieve economic success. Some of…


This report presents data on persistently poor children, the patterns for work and school attendance and poverty among persistently poor children as they advance to early adulthood, and what characteristics can differentiate between people who…


The rate of men’s participation in the workforce has been declining for decades, especially among men ages 25-54. This report from the Brookings Institution analyzes the reasons for this decline and its consequences. Some of the reasons for the…

Question / Response(s)

A representative from the Tuolumne Me-Wuk Tribal TANF program is interested in trainings or ideas for training new Tribal TANF Case Managers on how to use the information from intake assessments in building a Family Self-Sufficiency Plan.


Children who are exposed to violence can experience negative effects throughout their lives, regardless of whether it is violence in the community or domestic violence or abuse at home. This RAND report, sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice…

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